CSE Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning



To provide employable CSE-AIML engineer for Society and Industry needs.


M1: Empower students with strong basic foundation.

M2: Develop technical and non technical Skills for lifelong learning.

M3: To promote student’s interest in higher studies, research and entrepreneurship to meet global challenges.


PSO1: The student will be able to apply, analyze, and design applications by adopting the dynamic nature of software developments.

PSO2:The students will be able develop their skills to solve socially relevant problems using different projects in inter-disciplinary field.


PEO-1: Graduates will be prepared for analyzing, designing, and developing software with creativity.

PEO-2: Graduates will be skilled in the use of modern tools for problem solving and analyzing industrial and societal requirements.

Head of Department

“The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all its existence.- Ravidranath Tagore.”

It gives me an immense pleasure to lead the department of CSE –AIML. The motto of our department is to provide quality technical educations to students, which will lead them, sustain peaks in the field of technology. Department of CSE-Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning has labs equipped with high configuration machines and latest software’s required for teaching/learning process.

The department is committed to contribute in the overall growth of the students. , while academic excellence remains to be our strong fort. The spectrum of social, cultural, co-curricular and extra-curricular events at CSE-AIML is as intellectually stimulating, as is overwhelming! We do not turn you into book-worms or scholarly puppets but into competent professionals and genuine humans.

We have Researcher of AIML and IoT (RAIOT) club for nurturing leadership qualities and empower themselves with the Wings of Knowledge and Power of Innovation. We arranged Industrial Visit every semester students can interact with expert professional and understand the Industry needs. We encourage Technical Internship to narrow the gap between industry and curriculum. Most jobs require professional need to communicate effectively in writing whether through email, formal letters, notes, text messages or online messaging. Therefore Department started magazine “Human Amelioration”. It’s proud to say that we are able to publish two volumes due to huge response of the students in the first year itself. In which 30 % contents are non technical and 70 % technical content.

Even we emphasis on different social and cultural activities to enhance positive attitude, proactive thinking and being concern about humanity.

You come here with a passion; we convert that passion into your profession. So my dear young friends, I wish you a very happy and highly rewarding student life in CSE-AIML. My dear faculty and staff members, we together have to play our role in Nation building by contributing whole heartedly towards academics, research and innovation, a gigantic task.

Career Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence

  • AI Data Analyst
  • Product Manager
  • AI Engineer
  • Robotics Scientist
  • Big Data Engineer
  • Business Intelligence Developer
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Research ScientistThe top 10 companies make use of AI and are recruiting for the same –
  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • DJI
  • Anki
  • Clarifai
  • Deepmind
  • Casetext
  • DataVisor
Dr. V. P. Patil
PhD, M.E.
Mrs. Deshpande S.N.
Ms. Hatkar Manisha
Ms. Patil Anjalidevi
PhD(pursuing), MTech, BE
Ms. Swati Vyas
Mrs. Nanda Radhika
PhD, M.E.
Ms. Vandana K. Nikam
Mr. Krishnaji Atmaram Salgaonkar
Ms. Vandana Behera
Course Details


1 Engineering Mathematics – III Engineering Mathematics – IV
2 Discrete Structure and Graph Theory Analysis of Algorithm
3 Data Structure Database Management System
4 Digital Logic and Computer Architecture Operating System
5 Computer Graphics Microprocessor
6 Mini Project 1A Mini Project 1B


1 Computer Network Data Analytics and Visualization
2 Web Computing Cryptography and System Security
3 Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering and Project Management
4 Data Warehousing & Mining Machine Learning
5 CSDLO5011 : Statistics for Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
CSDLO5012: Advanced Algorithms
CSDLO5013: Internet of Things
CSDLO6011 :High Performance Computing
CSDLO6012: Distributed Computing
CSDLO6013: Image & Video processing
6 Mini Project 2A Mini Project 2B

Name of the lab: L1: AI & Data Analytics Lab
Lab In charge : Prof. Sarita Khedikar
Lab Assistant : Mrs. Rajashree Pachpande & Mr. Hansraj Shrimangle
Details of Resources &Equipments: Lab consists of all essential equipment’s like Desktop PC , Printer, Switch , Router ,Projector ,Web camera, Headphone

Name of the lab: L2: Network & Cyber Security Lab
Lab In charge : Prof. Kirti Rana
Lab Assistant : Mrs. Rajashree Pachpande & Mr. Hansraj Shrimangle
Details of Resources & Equipments: Lab consists of all essential equipment’s like Desktop PC , Printer, Switch , Router , Web camera, Headphone

Name of the lab: L3: Software & Project Management Lab
Lab In charge : Prof. Manisha Hatkar
Lab Assistant : Mrs. Rajashree Pachpande & Mr. Hansraj Shrimangle
Details of Resources & Equipments: Lab consists of all essential equipment’s like Desktop PC , Printer, Switch , Router ,Web camera, Headphone

Sr.No. Date of Event Name of Event Link
1 5 September, 2023 Kirti College Seminar Click Here
2 7 August to 14 August, 2023 8-Days Internship Program Click Here
3 11 September, 2023 Kirti College Seminar Click Here
4 16th October, 2023 Data Science & Machine Learning with TensorFlow Click Here
5 12th October 2023. Expert Lecture cum workshop Report Click Here
6 10 March, 2023 Front end Competition Click Here
7 10 March, 2023 Magazine Reveal Ceremony Click Here
8 3 July, 2023 – 9 July, 2023 Mern Stack Web Development Bootcamp Click Here
9 July 2023 Newsletter of AI ML & IoT Dept. Click Here
10 18 July, 2023 – 31 July, 2023 Mern Stack Web Development Bootcamp Click Here
11 6 September, 2023 ZP School Web Development Bootcamp Click Here



  • RAIOT i.e. Researchers of AI & IOT. RAIOT is a tech club which gives you the opportunity to learn, grow and master skills to make your career journey glorious.
  • Our club is basically a community of like minded people and tech lovers. It is a platform for all of us to develop , to be creative, and learn new & rapidly rising crazy technologies. Due to the pandemic, most of us missed opportunities to learn new skills. RAIOT club is a platform for everyone to develop their skills from scratch as a beginner.

    Department Day

    The objective of the event was to provide opportunities to different talents and thereby perform cultural activities among the students of AIML & IoT Department.
    The students of AIML & IoT Department conducted the event after preparing for the whole week. The event encompassed various activities like dance, games, singing, DJ, food, etc.
    Students enjoyed the fest, showcased their talents, organizers gained management experience, participation and interaction among students increased exponentially.

    Social Activity

    TThe purpose of the visit was to spread knowledge about cutting edge technologies of Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning and Internet of Things among 9th & 10th standard students of ZP School.

    We did so by making an attractive presentation by presenting some videos and explaining them more efficiently for them to grasp the information easily.
    We also told them some real-life examples so they could understand the need for cutting-edge technologies. The session turned out to be interactive with the students actively voicing out their career goals and asking their queries on gained information

    Industrial Visit

  • Industry expert Interaction with students
  • Students are able to learn how embedded systems work, how AI & IOT gives birth to a beautiful concept like embedded systems which help us to make ours and others’ lives easier.