Panel Discussion


Panel Discussion on Challenges and opportunities in Higher education.



Panel Discussion on Challenges and opportunities in Higher education.

Education is the pivotal tool to the development of any nation. But it is to be modified, redefined and introspective to cope up with the demands and opportunities of changing universe.

Choosing a suitable educational career option influences a student’s course of life. Taking informed decisions at the right time could bring in wonderful opportunities while wrong ones could ruin a student’s future.

We Smt Indira Gandhi College of Engineering would like to understand and work aligned with suggestions and expert opinions by academicians, Industrialists, Entrepreneurs and administrators in the field of Higher Technical education and scientific research.

As part of this, SIGCE has undertaken the initiative for organizing Panel Discussion on “Challenges and Opportunities in Higher education”. The panelist are representative from AICTE, DTE, University and Industry. This panel discussion will give us all educationist challenges and opportunities in this transition phase of engineering education.

We invite teachers and educationalist to attend panel discussion and award ceremony “Vidhya Vibhushan” award to Principal and Shikshak Gaurav Award to Teachers of Junior Colleges.

Venue: Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Engineering, Plot No. 1, Secot 8, Near D Mart, Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai 400701

Date: 18th February 2019
